Category Archives: Process Improvement

Process Improvement – Articles and Papers

Process Classification Framework

This Process Classification Framework was developed by APQC and its member companies as an open standard to facilitate improvement through process management and benchmarking, regardless of industry, size, or geography. 22 pages.

APQC Process Classification Framework

Continuous Improvement Through Collaboration, Social Learning, and Knowledge Management

Andrew Muras and John Hovell

Published in the March/April 2014 edition of the Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, this nine page article addresses the changing world of work, knowledge continuity and linking knowledge with standard process improvement approaches. The article asks and answers the questions of what are the business knowledge challenges and what’s the business case for knowledge management and collaboration

Continuous Improvement through KM, Social Learning, Collaboration-published

Training Required to Support Total Quality Management

John A. Miller

Published by CMA Magazine, this is one page article identifies 16 training requirements for Total Quality Management and who should participate in the training

Training Required tp Support Total Quality Management. November 1992

Benchmarking Performance

John A. Miller

Article summarizes a five step approach to benchmarking developed by Carl Thor, the then Executive Vice Chairman of the American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC)

Benchmarking Performance. June 1992

Selecting Areas for Improvement

John A. Miller

A stumbling block for many companies starting improvement initiatives is determining where to start and what to improve. This short article provides a simple methodology to score and rank the activities and business processes of the company to identify those targets for improvement

Selecting areas for Improvement. September 1992

Process Improvement – Reference Material

Lean and Six Sigma Integrated

Trash Harper

This 31 slide Power Point makes the case for linking Lean with Six Sigma. Topics include background, assumptions, selection, linkages, and application. Several company examples are provided including Motorola and Raytheon. The material also includes a section and example of Value Stream mapping

Lean-Six Sigma

Six Sigma Training Agenda

John A. Miller

Outline and agenda for a five day, 15 session Six Sigma training course. Time and objective/deliverables for each session are provided. Great starting point for developing a Six Sigma training course

Six Sigma Training Agenda



Joseph P. Donnelly and John A. Miller

13 pages of what you need to know about benchmarking. Topics include types of benchmarking, purposes of benchmarking, benchmarking protocol, interview guidelines, and benchmarking Do’s and Don’ts.   The section on the benchmarking process includes , getting started, planning, documentation and data collection, selecting benchmarking partners, conducting the study, and implementing improvements
